Jiveinferno » Weekly Dance Classes

Current classes: Classes are not continuous so if you miss a night or two, you’ll soon catch up. Admission: €12

Day Time Venue Class Type
Monday 8-10 pm

Garter Lane Dance Studios.

5 O’Connell Street,Waterford.

Weekly Class
Tuesday 8.30-10.30pm

Xquisite Dance Studio.

27 Hebron Industrial Estate

R95 X342, Kilkenny.


Weekly Class
Wednesday 8-10 pm TBC Weekly Class
Thursday 8-10 pm

The Presentation Centre,

Convent Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford

Weekly Class

*Please note: dates and venues are subject to change without notice.

Above is our current schedule of classes – this is subject to change due to Holiday Events during Summer, Bank Holidays and at Christmas. Each Class costs €12 per person, paid on the night and we will take your details to keep you informed of any unexpected changes to lessons.

Everyone at the class comes to learn and does so by practice, trial and error, but we’re not training anyone for Strictly – first and foremost, our aim is that you have Fun, Relax and Enjoy yourselves – so start with a Smmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeee, after that, the secret to success is practice!

Because all ‘good’ dancing is relative to experience, we mix partners during the class so you will have a variety of people to dance with during the lesson, but remember to be patient with yourself (and your partner), being aware of their level of experience too – don’t try (or allow) any moves they/you are not comfortable with or are not entirely sure of – if in doubt, ask our crew!

Weekly Dance Classes

Garter Lane Dance Studios, 5 O’Connell Street, Waterford.

Monday 8-10 pm


 Xquisite Dance Studio

27 Hebron Industrial Estate 

R95 X342, Kilkenny.

Tuesday 8.30~10.30pm


The Presentation Centre,Convent Road, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

Thursday 8 – 10pm

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